08 September 2013


Thanks to Hannah’s Aunt Marcy and Uncle Doug, she is equipped to handle the cockroaches in her apartment (which, in the wicked tradition of her father when a missionary, she names after Book of Mormon characters). 


Hannah may want to take her protective gear with her to service opportunities.  She has discovered that service is a big part of what missionaries do.

Recent service experiences:
  • Remove toilet paper from a big tree*
  • Remove a big tree from a walkway*
  • House cleaning, including toilet bowls**
  • De-cobweb a horse stall***

*While wearing a skirt
**Involved dangerous chemicals and wearing a skirt
***Hannah reports that the horse stall had never been de-cobwebbed since its construction 80 years ago.  She estimated that it was home to half the spider population of Texas.  You know those packages of fake spiderwebs you can buy this time of year?  Hannah said that if someone were to buy like 50 packages of those and just go crazy in the horse stall it would look exactly like what the horse stall actually looked like (only with REAL spiderwebs).  Upon completion of the task, two hours later, Hannah blew her nose and watched in horror as SPIDERWEBS came out.  True story.  Also, she was wearing a skirt.

By taking advantage of these opportunities to serve others, Hannah has been reminded of an important principle: When you are in the service of your fellow beings – you often get jobs that no one else wanted to do, and for good reason.


A big first:  An investigator has committed to a baptism date of Sept. 21st!  Hannah and Sister Harrison are attempting to get date commitments from two other investigators as well.  Hannah has requested that we remember her investigators in our prayers.


When Hannah received word that neither her nor Sister Harrison were being transferred, she saw her extended time there as a second chance, as if God were saying, ‘Here’s six more weeks, show me what you can do with it.’  But Hannah now realizes that this is not the case.  She writes, “God is actually saying, ‘Here’s six more weeks, this time give the work to me and I’ll show you what I can do with it!”  I’m excited to learn of some of the miracles sure to take place over the next six weeks.

Speaking of miracles, Hannah and Sister Harrison received two separate rides when they were desperately needed.  Thank you to those who listened to the Spirit and went to the right place at the right time (and offered them a ride).  Isn’t it amazing how the smallest act of kindness can be a miracle to someone else?  Makes you want to be a little nicer today, doesn’t it!

BRING IT ON. . .AND ON. . .AND ON. . .AND ON. . .

In the last journal entry I received, Hannah closed with, “I continue on.”  It seemed to me that this was written almost apologetically, as if “continuing on” was offered in lieu of something truly valuable.  But as I’ve pondered the meaning of this phrase, I realized that I would be wise to adopt it as a personal mantra.  How can I face obstacles, disappointments, and heartaches? Continue on.  How do I resist the temptation to rest a while on the laurels of past success and accomplishment?  Continue on.  Feelings of hopelessness and despair?  Continue on.  Just plain TIRED?  Continue on.

What Hannah is offering by continuing on is no less than what the Lord asks of each of us.   And what a glorious reward our offering is exchanged for:

. . .and if they endure unto the end they shall be lifted up at the last day, and shall be saved in the everlasting kingdom of the Lamb; and whoso shall publish peace, yea, tidings of great joy, how beautiful upon the mountains shall they be.  (1 Nephi 13:37)

Continue on, beautiful Hannah.

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