01 December 2013


No, Hannah has not dropped off the face of the earth.  There is another reason as to why there have not been blog posts since September. And it is a very good reason, too. Very good.  (I'm assuming you're willing to just take my word on that.)

Although Hannah hasn't dropped off the face of the earth, she has been transferred!  After serving for six months in the Imperial Oaks ward, Hannah is now serving in a trio in nearby Montgomery, Texas.  She had grown to love the people in Imperial Oaks, her investigators, and her companions so much that it was absolutely gut-wrenching for her to leave.  She said that it was just as bad as leaving home in the first place (maybe even a little worse).  She was enriched and changed in positive ways by her relationships with these people.  Her family is so grateful for all who loved Hannah and blessed her life so richly while she was in Spring.  If you live in Montgomery, Texas, you have a hard act to follow.  But we have the utmost confidence in your ability to rise to the occasion and work alongside Hannah and the other missionaries to carry out the work of salvation.  As to anyone who was mean to Hannah or her companions while she was her last area, well, I know SHE has already forgiven you (I, on the other hand, will have to get back to you.)

Actually, one of the reasons I've been negligent in updating this blog was because I didn't have any funny stories from Hannah to share.  Let me rephrase that - I didn't have any funny stories from Hannah that I could share.  But I've got one now!  Just before she left Imperial Oaks, she and her companions visited an investigator one morning to drop off something in preparation for their appointment later that evening.  A plumber was working in the kitchen.  Not to let an opportunity to share the gospel (especially to a captive audience) pass by, Hannah introduced herself and her companions, explained what missionaries do, and left the plumber with a contact card.  That evening when Hannah returned, she was delighted to discover that the plumber had left his phone number and instructions with the investigator to "give it to the tall one."  The sisters were thrilled to have a random contact end up being so interested.  He was interested, all right.  The tip off was when he identified himself on the phone as "the good looking guy she met that morning."  

Hannah has had some deeply personal, sacred experiences while serving as a missionary.  It is not appropriate for me to relate them here.  Suffice it to say that the Lord has literally led her by the hand on several occasions and she has been His instrument in the work of salvation.  We are inspired by her willingness to be directed by the Spirit.

Although this new assignment to Montgomery will present new challenges, and she is still missing terribly those she loves in the Imperial Oaks area (and at home), Hannah assured us in a recent letter that serving as a full time missionary is exactly where she wants to be.

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